Confronted with my patterns on a 7 day roadtrip

I've landed at my destination after driving my 2,800 miles from Mexico to my family in WA. I've never been so happy to see my friends and family. The trip was like a seven day ceremony in which I came face to face with deep seated anxiousness which has been at the very foundation of my being. 


It was very confronting and uncomfortable for days yet it was one of the best things that could have happened in the context of becoming free. 


I could clearly see how I have been addicted to the feeling of anxiousness so much so that I was unconsciously creating circumstances to keep the “hit” going. As much peace and contentment as I've found over the last couple of years, I've had a consistent hum of anxiousness under it all. 


Over the days of driving I felt a sense of agency to unhook from this addictive pattern. I'm actively making simple new choices that allow me to rest in more of a state of contentment and presence as my nervous system catches up to this new norm. 


It's liberation at the foundation of my being and I'm sharing this with you as a reminder that the deepest, most foundational patterns are usually the ones that unwind last. 


We may be aware of them on some level and at the same time, they have usually been with us so long that it just seems like it's who we are and we learn to live with it. 


This deep, DNA level of change is possible but can't be rushed. 


Keep following the threads of undoing while enjoying the ride - enjoying life as you are in this moment. 


Foundational change is inevitable with conscious awareness and self compassion. 


There is no destination but there are certainly borders that we cross which deserve acknowledgement and self appreciation.


Here's to our personal and collective liberation + peace!

Lifted with Rio