Lifted Being - 30 days of meditation January 2nd - 31st

Begin the year with a lightness of being through devoting yourself to 30 days of meditation with me.

Here’s the plan: Every morning* we’ll meet online for an hour of meditation + reflection to start the day. Each meditation will be intuitively guided with the intention of giving you a lot of space to have your own experience.

In a time when there’s a lot of doing, devoting ourselves to being each day will give us the space we need to intentionally begin the next year.

Imagine what’s possible when you devote 30 hours of stillness to yourself.

*Live attendance is not necessary and recordings will be sent out to use at the time that’s most convenient for you.


When: Beginning Tuesday, January 2nd we’ll meet every day from 6 - 7am Pacific Timezone

What: Stillness and journey meditations with channeled guidance for 50 minutes with time to reflect for another 10 minutes.

Where: From the comfort of your home via Zoom.

Cost: $333 or $166 for those who need to pay less (use discount code: LB)

*Attendance is not necessary for all live meditations though it’s suggested. You will be able to use the recordings on your own if the timing doesn’t work for you.

Possible side effects: a feeling of lightness or of being Lifted, a deeper knowing of yourself, discovery of your unique relationship to your spirituality, a calm presence throughout your day, the ability to see the bigger picture, an expanded heart with the ability to love and be loved without limits, clarity on next steps in your life, a renewed sense of self and worthiness, contentment.

Give yourself or someone else this incredible gift of space and time.

I’m looking forward to beginning this year with you in a devotional, intentional way.

Lifted with Rio